Three people from across the U.S. join forces every week to share how Star Trek is impacting lives here and abroad every single day.

I have been a Star Trek fan since 1982 with Wrath of Khan. I got into as much Star Trek as I could: TOS reruns, comic books, etc. and have proudly watched every episode and movie of Star Trek. My other hobbies include video games and watching an absurd amount of movies and television shows.

Dag is a 41 year – literally life-long – fan of all Star Trek. The first movie he ever went to was The Wrath of Khan at the ripe young age of 3 months and 6 days old. This led to a life time of content creation ranging from short stories and poetry to RPG Streaming, garnering a tiktok viewing of 12.5 million. He also sports a “bulletproof beard”.

Coming soon